Statistics :PPP Airports

Passengers Traffic
    2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Passengers handled by all Airports in millions International 10.1 22.1 56.9
Domestic 105.3 166.8 270.3
Total 115.4 188.9 327.3
Passengers handled by PPP Airports in millions International 7.1 15.9 41.2
Domestic 54.6 88.6 147.6
Total 61.8 104.5 188.8
% of Passengers handled by PPP Airports in comparison with all Airports International 70.6 72.0 72.3
Domestic 51.9 53.1 54.6
Total 53.5 55.3 57.7


Air Traffic Movements
.   2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Aircraft Movements handled by all Airports in ‘000s International 135 212 365
Domestic 1062 1545 2143
Total 1197 1757 2508
Aircraft Movements handled by PPP Airports in ‘000s International 98 149 252
Domestic 526 750 1050
Total 624 899 1302
Aircraft Movements handled by PPP Airports in comparison with all Airports in %
International 72.8 70.5 69.1
Domestic 49.5 48.5 49.0
Total 52.2 51.2 51.9
Cargo Traffic
    2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Cargo handled by all Airports in ‘000 tonnes International 1521 1961 1865
Domestic 952 1180 1287
Total 2474 3141 3152
Cargo handled by PPP Airports in ‘000 tonnes International 1236 1603 1516
Domestic 647 808 883
Total 1884 2412 2400
Cargo handled by PPP Airports in comparison with all Airports in %
International 81.2 81.8 81.3
Domestic 68.0 68.5 68.6
Total 76.1 76.8 76.1

Source: Airports Authority of India, Traffic News